Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Blog: Privacy

New media is directly related to privacy because the more new media that comes out the more information users are sharing on their. The information is sometimes sensitive and other times not to be changed. Sites like Facebook allow users to share information with all their friends, if someone was on their account they could cause confusion and publicize fault information or even privately message the friends on the account or read sensitive/private conversations. Even just something as simple as pass lock codes on smart phones could allow someone access to images and different social media accounts. In the article Survey Reveals Generation Gap in Attitudes about Security and Privacy by Tony Bradley 37% of millennials and 50% of the generation X use do not password protect their phones. This means anyone who has their phone has access to all of their information and social media accounts and apps. This is especially a problem with online banking on a rise. Something else a bit freaky is that as per the article The Wild West of Privacy by Joe Nocera is that companies like Facebook and Google collect data about how we use their sites and words we type and such in order to sell the information to advertisers to then better tailor our advertisements to things we are actually interested in. That to many may seem like an invasion of privacy but there is not much that can be done about it besides turning on a setting that ASKS websites not to track you however they might anyway.

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