Tuesday, May 2, 2017

BLOG: Next New

A new media that doesn't exist could be a sort of real life extension of Facebook in which people rate you after every interaction with you. It would have to be able to sense who is around you and who you interact with. This idea comes from a show called Black Mirror. It is a modern version of the twilight zone of sorts with utopian societies that involve some type of technology and new media. But basically it people after interacting or seeing something you post on Facebook or any social media would rate you out of five stars. The average number of stars was then looked at as reference to what kind of person you are. The rating was taken way too seriously in the show but I feel that if looked at like a credit score of sorts it could help when judging what kind of person to hire for a job or just to show how they interact with people. It could have problems could use some adjusting but it could be a great idea. It could help people be authentic in the sense that a crook mechanic would have so many bad ratings he'd go out of business because no one goes to him any more. Not to say this this new media would be perfect but its an idea.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

BLOG: Wiki So Far

I have not yet contributed to the wiki page but I am putting together research of different sites such as insider and buzzfeed contribute among others on Facebook to show people places they should visit a lot of restaurants and food places but also countries and bars, hotels and more.


File sharing is simply sending a file from one computer to another over the internet or a shared network. P2P file sharing is peer-to-peer file sharing, which is when a friends, colleagues, associates, or even acquaintances share files over the internet. Files that can be shared are virtually limitless, just about anything can be shared. Commonly shared files include: movies, music, textbooks, software (e. g. Microsoft office, photoshop etc.). File sharing of copyrighted files is illegal. However it is often sometimes the only way people gain access to that information. Movies and music aren't as important academically but with universities becoming more technology centered it makes it difficult to people of low incomes to gain access. Fortunately, CUNY allows access for free to Microsoft Office for students for free. However colleges, CUNY schools included, charge an arm and a leg for textbooks often required and demanded by professors for big amounts of money. File sharing allows anyone to be able to gain access to online pdf versions of textbooks. This is part of the great side of file sharing. In the article by Eric Pfanner, Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied Web Access, Pfanner states that "the American Entertainment industry... accounts for the loss of $20 billion a year in sales." They are referring to piracy. Although file sharing in this sense hinders the profit of others many people still rely on movies sharing websites to watch recent movies.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Blog: Privacy

New media is directly related to privacy because the more new media that comes out the more information users are sharing on their. The information is sometimes sensitive and other times not to be changed. Sites like Facebook allow users to share information with all their friends, if someone was on their account they could cause confusion and publicize fault information or even privately message the friends on the account or read sensitive/private conversations. Even just something as simple as pass lock codes on smart phones could allow someone access to images and different social media accounts. In the article Survey Reveals Generation Gap in Attitudes about Security and Privacy by Tony Bradley 37% of millennials and 50% of the generation X use do not password protect their phones. This means anyone who has their phone has access to all of their information and social media accounts and apps. This is especially a problem with online banking on a rise. Something else a bit freaky is that as per the article The Wild West of Privacy by Joe Nocera is that companies like Facebook and Google collect data about how we use their sites and words we type and such in order to sell the information to advertisers to then better tailor our advertisements to things we are actually interested in. That to many may seem like an invasion of privacy but there is not much that can be done about it besides turning on a setting that ASKS websites not to track you however they might anyway.

Blog: Advice

Baruch is a great college however if I was hired to improve the college through new media I would recommend a few ideas. One would be to create a new platform similar to cunyfirst but with less crashes easier accessibility, and even a more function app to make it easy for students to complete any and almost all tasks from their smart phone. Then create a Facebook system to show current students who else is currently enrolled, making it slightly more social possible help those who simple go to class and leave meet more people and possibly join clubs. Make the class more interactive by utilizing clickers or an app that allows students to do in class surveys and answer questions in class and show the results on the board. In the cuny app there could be a function which allows students to request office hours with the professor or show the professors availability so that the student can request a slot.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Creativity and New Media

I basically created a second life in something called bitmoji which links up with snapchat and allows for you to personalize memes and even add your friends bitmoji avatar in certain memes.

HW Creativity

New media fosters creativity in many ways specifically in allowing virtually anyone with a computer to created music. More than that people are able to sample old music and make mash-ups and remixes. In the New Yorker article, The New Math of Mashups, Sasha Frere-Jones writes about how normal people with a musical ear take songs and mash them up using technology. This in my opinion can often take the song from one level to a way better version of itself that otherwise wouldn't known.  In one cause Jones states Stoke was a better song than either one of the sources that it originated from. Nowadays new media allows for singers and musicians of all type to make covers to popular songs and post on soundcloud or youtube. This way they are available to the public and a lot of times these versions offer a variety of and have their own take on the original song which can allow for the same song to be heard over and over different ways.