Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Blog about Twitter

Twitter involves a concept which I love. Its conciseness, terseness. Twitter gives 140 characters to get out your thought and idea. For that reason there is no fluff, it has to be raw and to the point or short and sweet. This makes it more like a real conversation like when having an in- class discussion. Blackboard is similar to twitter in that both twitter and blackboard discussion can be following one place. But on Blackboard discussions there is no character limit. This allows for fluff and extra details that might not be necessary. However both have their uses. Blackboard discussions are more similar to going around the room formally just sharing your thought like in some classes on the first day when you state your name, major and year and it goes around the room. This styles is needed some times. However, Twitter being that the character count is so short, stimulates conversation by prompting for questions; reason being that someone can't usually explain all of their thoughts in 140 characters. However the most efficient way for discussion is in person because then replies are instant rather than when you get a notification and then decide when to answer. In person you usually answer right away or not at all.

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