Wednesday, March 1, 2017

BLOG: Blog v. Wiki

Blogs and wikis are similar in that groups can contribute to the webpages. Blogs however are typically more conversational, meanwhile wikis are styled more informational. In a blog not every user can change the structure of the page but in a wiki all users can. Which isn't always the best and most effective or efficient ways sharing information. Reminds me a of  saying "Too many hands in the pot ruins the batch." The CNN article Wikipedia: No longer the Wild West? talks about the reactions to Wikipedia's decision to add a type of oversight to the page. This is a great decision for them and beneficial to their site because the had a bad reputation for dealing out false information. However now with editors responsible for confirming the changes made by users it turns away from being free for all and now makes there information accurate.Blogs are run by small groups or one person and are regularly updated. It is very important for convergence in today's networked world because new platforms (usually digital) are allowing information to travel faster than it ever has. Therefore it is important for televised information and information put out in other ways besides online be also shared through an internet platform, preferably one most commonly used. Blogs are used for collaboration for collaboration of neighborhoods, schools, clubs, graduating classes, consumers of a particular brand or company and even just common interests. For example in the New York Times article Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid by Michael Wilson, a neighborhood blog help Police bust a crime that was going on in their neighbor. This may have not been investigated otherwise. This could have lead to more problems being that they would have been still doing their illegal business for a longer period of time. 

A new use for wiki could be something similar to Facebook or LinkedIn where companies can add information about how a person is and their work ethic and how people view them whether it be coworkers, relatives, friends, former employers or current employers. This would be beneficial to employers, rather than a person needing recommendations they can access this from this wiki site. It would be very raw and authentic. It should also have a space for the person the page is evaluating to make a comment either thanking or defending themselves against whatever information was put about them.

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